# Books

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Discover the latest information and viewpoints on the origins of the human mind and the neurological origins of individuality with these two fascinating books on neuroscience. Award-winning Professor Stephen P. Hinshaw provides an authoritative guide to the inner workings of our minds in Origins of the Human Mind, while Biology and Human Behavior explores how the human brain is influenced by evolution, genes, early experience, hormones, and more. Get your hands on these books and expand your knowledge on the subject of neuroscience today!

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Discover two highly recommended books on economics and investing: 'The Economics of Uncertainty' and 'The Art of Investing: Lessons from History's Greatest Traders'. These books offer practical advice and insights from acclaimed professors and portfolio managers, providing you with the tools to deal with risk and build personal wealth. Check out more books on @topengbook.

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Discover the definitive history of nuclear weapons and the Manhattan Project in The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes. Alex's Adventures in Numberland by Alex Bellos explores the surprising ways mathematical ideas underpin just about everything in our lives, from the geometry of the 50p piece to the strategy of gambling in a casino. Check out more books at https://t.me/topengbook. #books@ktchkainc

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Discover two amazing books on how to draw animals, including cats, dogs, horses, and many more. With step-by-step instructions and easy-to-follow demonstrations, these books are perfect for beginners and experienced artists alike. Check out the link for more books on drawing.

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Discover two books that debunk modern myths: 'Medical Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths' by Dr. Novella and 'Fighting Misinformation: Digital Media Literacy' by Tara Susman-Peña. Learn how to assess the scientific truth behind medical information and how to combat fakes, stereotypes, and frauds within every kind of media source.

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Discover two books that provide customer-centric solutions for businesses to adapt to the post-pandemic reality and create great experiences for their customers. 'The Post-Pandemic Business Playbook' offers insights from academic research, case studies, interviews, and best practice examples from around the world, while 'User Tested' is a practical guide on how to put customers back into the center of your business model. Join the Telegram channel for more books on business.

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Discover two books on psychology and self-help: The Anxiety First Aid Kit, which provides quick tools to lower stress and soothe anxiety during extreme and uncertain times, and The Anti-Anxiety Program, a workbook of proven strategies to overcome worry, panic, and phobias. Grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy, this expertly crafted workbook helps you identify triggers, change patterns of thinking and behavior, and confront feared situations to approach life with more confidence and less fear.

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This page offers two books for kids to learn coding: Coding Games in Python and Coding Projects in Scratch. The former teaches how to use PyGame Zero and Blender to add animations, music, and other professional features to games, while the latter uses a visual step-by-step approach to split complicated code into manageable chunks. Both books are suitable for beginners and will give young readers a solid understanding of programming.

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Discover two amazing cookbooks for creating delicious meals in small spaces and on a budget. The Tiny Kitchen Cookbook offers strategies and recipes for cooking in small kitchens, while Fix, Freeze, Feast provides updated recipes for cooking in bulk and stocking your freezer with healthy, homemade meals. Both cookbooks offer a variety of tasty options that span the menu and incorporate fresh, seasonal produce. Check out more books every day at https://t.me/topengbook. #books@ktchkainc

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