💡 BOOKS: CODING FOR KIDS 💡 More books -> https://t.me/topengbook 🔸 CODING GAMES IN PYTHON The book teaches how to use freely available resources, such as PyGame Zero and Blender, to add animations, music, scrolling backgrounds, 3-D scenery, and other pieces of professional wizardry to games. After building a game, instructions show how to adapt it using secret hacks and cheat codes. Instructions are illustrated with zany Minecraft-style pixel art. 🔸 CODING PROJECTS IN SCRATCH: A STEP-BY-STEP VISUAL GUIDE TO CODING YOUR OWN ANIMATIONS, GAMES, SIMULATIONS, AND MORE Coding Projects in Scratch uses a visual step-by-step approach to split complicated code into manageable, easy-to-digest chunks, so that the most impressive projects become possible. Suitable for complete beginners, this book will give young readers a solid understanding of programming, preparing them to create their very own projects from scratch, and even move on to more complex programming languages like Python. #books@ktchkainc

Теги: books coding python

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